Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Green Storm

                                                            Green Storm

 It rained emeralds
on the day

the stems
were disconnected

from the tulips.
Grass green,

bright stones
from the sky.

People everywhere
were ducking

into store fronts
and finding 

comfort and cover 
under large

trees. On the news
that night, the lovely

anchorwoman, the one
with the long blonde

hair and bursting vidid
green eyes, went blind.

Right there, in the middle
of the day's top story:

Her hands clasped the desk
and her eyes glazed over.

Just then, outside the television
studio, the rain had started

to let up, slowing to a trickle;
leafy drop after leafy drop.

Municipal clean-up crews
worked over-time

and people started to attempt
to put their lives back to normal.

-Jeffrey Bumiller

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