Wednesday, September 4, 2013

The Mayor's Silence

This is my cat, Snacks.  For whatever reason, The Mayor of Williamsport, PA, Gabriel J. Campana (see the photo below) has not yet taken a stance on the Snacks issue.  Does the mayor like my cat? I've lived here for over a month now, you would think that the mayor would at least publicly state that he is considering the issue.  the Little League World Series has come and gone, this is not an election year and Campana has already conjured up, seemingly out of thin air, a Kohls in downtown Williamsport (see the Mayor's Wikipedia page here:
So there is no real excuse for this blatant evasion on the Snacks issue.

If the mayor's behavior persists I will have no choice but to march down to City Hall with a megaphone and some clever signs to make my voice heard.

Please join me in my plea:  Williamsport Mayor Gabriel J. Campana- What do you think of my cat Snacks?

The people demand answers.

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